SSD 降價情報


自從有圖形介面以來,個人電腦開始普及 :P,圖形介面是越作越美,處理器與顯式卡的速度是年年倍增,對大部份沒有特殊需求或不玩遊戲的使用者,你會發現電腦速度其實沒快多少,你會感覺這聲稱快了兩倍的處理器,並沒有帶來兩倍的快感,原因就是記憶體階層中有個東東經過了20年在速度上沒有什麼進步,那個東西叫做硬碟 HDD,我想很多人都跟我有相同的感覺,經過了沒有快感的5年,又等待了下一個沒有快感的五年,還好現在有了電子式的SSD,硬碟有可能在未來的5年或更短的時間內被淘汰或是擔任磁帶機的角色…

購買SSD 跟價格與速度需求有關,錢當然不是問題,問題當然是沒錢囉!速度當然是越快越好ㄏ,而現在SSD 的報價也很合理,價格跟速度也是等比級數,廠商當然得評估研發成本的回收關係,凍未條的人總是幫忙吸收這些成本,這幾天想下手卻又看到價格不降反升,真是按!@#$%!^&,正賭爛的時候看到這則新聞,決定了不要再幫忙負擔研發成本了,再等等…

SSDs haven’t found their way into the mass market yet, but a team of Japanese researchers is already trying to make them more worthwhile. The team claims it has developed a technology that helps to shrink the size of SSDs by no less than 90%, makes them cheaper and boosts energy efficiency by 70%.
The research group is comprised of people from a handful of different institutions, i. e. Toshiba or Keio University in Tokyo (where Professor Tadahiro Kuroda is the main person responsible).
The new technology makes it possible to produce 1TB SSDs that are as small as a postage stamp. The current prototype (pictured) is sized just like that and made of 128 NAND flash memory chips and one controller chip. It boasts a data transfer speed of 2Gbps and is based on radio communication, which (according to the researchers) leads to lower production costs.
A practical version is expected to be ready by 2012.
Via The Nikkei [registration required, paid subscription]

